Giving to Riverside

The principle of generosity is one that we encourage as a community and we believe in honouring God with all that we have. As a Church we believe in the Biblical principle of tithing 10% of our income as an act of worship and gratitude to God, and in addition to this, we also give offerings over and above our tithe to support projects, people and missional partners.

Ways to give

Set up a Standing Order or Bank Transfer:

Bank Name: HSBC             

Acc. Name: Riverside Family Church     

Acc. No. 81045555            Sort Code: 40 42 16


Donate by cash or cheque in the offerings on Sunday mornings, by using the ‘offering envelopes’ which will be circulated. Cheques are payable to Riverside Family Church. We kindly ask that UK taxpayers complete a Gift Aid declaration form. The Gift Aid scheme enables Riverside as a charity to reclaim tax on donations, without any extra cost to you.

For any enquiries about giving to Riverside Family Church, email